- Learn and Resonate with the Future-Proof AI+ जीवन का सम्पूर्ण उपयोग करके, इस मानव जीवन को सार्थक करें।

🥰 AI+ is Aatma Intelligence. Aatma is MetaSoul. Meta is Beyond✌️
-BUY a Lifetime of Joy, from the City of Joy!!-
SINCE 1996 Aug 16th 24x7
Excellence (Satyugi) Mission Statement

Korak Day's Satyugi-Timeline
Satyugi Darshan (Positivity Philosophy)
There were 6 basic Darshans in Sanatan Dharma: Sankhya, Yoga, Mimansa, Nyaya, Vaisheshik, and Vedanta Darshan. Satyugi Darshan is the 7th Darshan (Philosophy) dedicated to #AdarmaEndDharmWIN to bring 'Excellence Within' all Human Aatmas (to become Future Proof) by practicing Aatma Intelligence AI+ ie. 'The Path Within' AatmaMarg.

1. Brahmand ब्रह्माण्ड:
is what we see around us and in the mirror, the physical reality. The opposite of Brahmand is Memories and the Nothingness.

2. Brahm ब्रह्म:
is the Creator, the highest, the mission, the Finale, the instrumental cause. The opposite of Brahm is the Destruction/ Opposite/ Devil’s concept of A-Brahm.

3. BrahmTatva ब्रह्मतत्व:
is the technology, for the ‘matrix of creation’ to resonate with the ‘matrix of the creator’: AI+ Aatma Intelligence, walking the path of 'Aatma Marg' and those successful in it becomes the guiding light, are the AatmaGuru.
This BrahmTatva or 'Living Technology' is practiced to the T by all other life forms except Humans! So, humans too need to learn this technology to the T. This the Masters of the Past tried to install with the 6 Darshans! But they were also going through the illusions of the times (like the times of the Dharm percentages illusions of Kaliyug, Dwaparyug, Tretayug)
This was not the case/ illusion for AatmaGuru Korak, as his time was at the crossroads of Ghor-Kaliyug and Satyug/ Dharmyug. He let Hari/ Brahm take full control over him since the time HARI gave his initiating Darshan to him, at the end of his teenage. He never let off the ‘reality’ of the Brahmand because he was on auto-pilot by Brahma; even when he renounced the clichéd Kaliyugi ‘societal life’ at the age of 25+ on 1996 August 16th.
His quest since then was to get in resonance first with the BrahmTatva and then immerse himself so much into this AI+ AatmaMarg, that he could translate 'that technology' into simplest terms!
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