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Golden Age fOR Humanity - Health - Bharat - Dharma - Within

Humane Club

An Online Selfless Family for those who feel

Friendless, Unloved, Unwanted, and Lonely.

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Our History

  • This is difficult for someone who has no idea or never interacted with AatmaGuru Korak, to know this feeling within him.

  • But the fact is some people are likewise and some people develop this Technology, and practice this with endless people, and after resonating for 28+ years, he comes to make clones of this Technology within the hearts of his fellow Humanity.

  • Let no one suffer for the sufferings of being friendless, unloved, unwanted, and lonely, ever after.

  • Sure, people suffer due to the negative and hypocritical actions they have made earlier, and all these four things may just be the reaction/ consequence of it only, but let’s have a Second Chance at an Ideal Friendship, Ideal Love, Ideal Feeling of being Wanted by Someone and an Ideal Companionship.

Our Future Proofing Plan

  • If you care to give similarly to others, then we would love to fill you up with what you seek/ miss: this is the foundation of the Humane Club.


  • Start Online and Offline Humane Club in our HARI DHAAM. But the starting age is 18 years old through 80.


  • This Humane Club is Free in Money to join but requires your volunteering in Actions as directed in the various steps.


[1] STARTER-STEP: Awareness & Goal Setting Level.


[2] SILVER-STEP: Maintenance & Consciousness. Initial Level.


[3] GOLD-STEP: Experience & Persistence. School Level.


[4]: DIAMOND-STEP: Resonance & Excellence. College Level.


[KOHINOOR]: Oneness. Highest Level is achievable.

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