- Learn and Resonate with the Future-Proof AI+ जीवन का सम्पूर्ण उपयोग करके, इस मानव जीवन को सार्थक करें।
🥰 AI+ is Aatma Intelligence. Aatma is MetaSoul. Meta is Beyond✌️
-BUY a Lifetime of Joy, from the City of Joy!!-
SINCE 1996 Aug 16th 24x7
Golden Age fOR Humanity - Health - Bharat - Dharma - Within
Excel with Ayurved Nature
going beyond the present legacy-norm towards 'Ideal'
Our History
> Korak from his mother’s and father’s genes were a direct descendent (DNA) of traditional Ayurved surgeons and were the greatest and most popular Ayurved families of Barisal and Faridpur districts of Bangladesh, despite its British Destruction in the late 18th century and the partitions of the early and mid-19th century. No one from his father’s or mother’s side has kept their traditions after the partition in 1947 except his maternal grandfather who practiced his family traditions as Kabiraj (Ayurvedic doctor) with his own medicine, chavanprash and other related medicine makings till his last breadth.
> In his Gurukuls AatmaGuru practiced Ayurved natural food and related for all the family members. He treated himself with Ayurved of whatever was available, for nearly 2 plus decades now. He has this naturally from both his parents’ genes.
> He has researched most of the Ayurvedic scriptures and has various books from past scientists like Vagbhatt, Patanjali, etc. through modern scientists like Rajiv Dixit, etc.
Our Future Proofing Plan
Rejuvenate Ayurved, the lifeline of the future-proof humans towards the restoration of their body ecosystem through the traditional greatness that Bharat always had. Create Ayurved Hubs amidst cityscape for picnics, excursions, and research for Natural-Medicine enthusiasts.
AatmaGuru wants to initiate and inspire all Ayurved lovers into doing more ‘selfless actions’ for natural-medicine excellence, holistically. He is quite restricted with people and funds into doing them but he won’t let off his quest thus. We would encourage more of these ‘selfless actions’ from the youth and ‘selfless contributions’ from the established.
We will do all the necessary actions in all the fields of Surgery, Nature Medicine, Ayurvedic Hospital, Organic Food, Organic Beauty Parlors, Holistic Natural Youthfulness, Ayurvedic Gurukul, Holistic Health, Nature-Guided Lifestyle rejuvenation of human health in general.
Conducting workshops for awareness along with simple and immediate steps for your personal natural-health-related responsibilities and for the ones that are public responsibilities.
Look for and devise ways for monetization through Ayurvedic excellence for earning funds for our 7 selfless missions and also benefit the owner.
Felicitating the research works required.
Conducting the debugging of the Ayurved-related devils by workshops and restoration services provided to earn for our 7 Selfless Missions.
Love for doing ‘selfless actions’, volunteering, and/ or making ‘selfless contributions’ for holistic healing organically.