- Learn and Resonate with the Future-Proof AI+ जीवन का सम्पूर्ण उपयोग करके, इस मानव जीवन को सार्थक करें।

🥰 AI+ is Aatma Intelligence. Aatma is MetaSoul. Meta is Beyond✌️
-BUY a Lifetime of Joy, from the City of Joy!!-
SINCE 1996 Aug 16th 24x7
Tag Line: Handle Life like a Pro
जीवन को एक प्रोफेशनल की तरह संभालें
Mission Statement: "Dharm is the foundation of the future-proofed society and this Gurukul is a selfless school that trains humanity towards Ideal Life while rejuvenating humanity with each child. There is no lack of Information and Intelligence today with AI. Still, our Mission is to make you a Kohinoor 2.0 (Ideal Human) WITHIN your Aatman (MetaSoul) so that you could #MakeYourLifeHappier with AI+ i.e., Aatma Intelligence. Learning is not age-constrained."
Schools generally teach us things with an ulterior motive of some negative and hypocritical things. This was started by the evil British people, to rule over the Human Soul and make the student a Slave till death! सतयुगी गुरुकुल / Excellence Gurukul is the school for our Aatman (MetaSoul) for ‘Excel Within’. This is presently Online and is a Paid Gurukul, to raise funds for our 'Selfless Loving Family' in our Hari Dhaam; for their Maintenance and Growth. The languages available now are English, Hindi & Bangla. The Present (Pradhan Aacharyay) Head Teacher is AatmaGuru Korak, who has been running Gurukuls since 2002, free of cost till now. There are TWO teaching levels for students: one is for External seekers and the other is for Inner-Aatman seekers. You know what you seek!
i). Student Excellence [External]
Age 13 – 23 | Practical Life-Subjects that Modern Schools skips Teaching

i). Student Excellence [Inner-Aatman]
Age 16 – 65 | Inner Excellence Subjects taught organically, by a first-hand experienced.
1. Aatma Intelligence AI+ | आत्ममार्ग 2. Organic Chakra Activation | सप्त-चक्रोदय
3. Aatma Yoga | आत्मयोग 4. Be an AI+ Human | सतयुगी भवः
The 5 Steps/ Levels
to Success Within:

Our History
>> Started in the Muslim Butcher’s Slums of Kolkata on 2002 July 2nd and later AatmaGuru Korak extended it to various Villages in the West Bengal state of Bharat.
>> He has taught nearly 15000+ students (where 99.99% of the students were Pasmanda Muslims and AatmaGuru Korak and Dr Dipak Patel served them freely with 100% love & dedication and they all loved their Aacharyay truly) in eight branches of Meta Schools/ Gurukuls for slum-dwellers and poor villages in and around Kolkata.
>> Korak Day stopped his Meta Schools though, post 12 years in 2014, as he got enlightened to the reality.
>> Conducted Online Satyugi Gurukuls during the Covid Years from 2020-22
Our Future Proofing Plan
>> Start Post-School Online School (weekend 1+1 hour each of 2, 1 and 0.5 years duration and the fees will be either as Privilege, Exclusive or VIP categories | including Pre-Recorded classes)
>> Start College (4 days per week for 1 hour each of 2, 1 and 0.5 Years duration and the fees will be either as Privilege, Exclusive or VIP categories | including Pre-Recorded classes | you may also join here Directly if you clear the Previous Level Exam on Admission)
>> Start University (weekend 1+1 hour each of 2, 1 and 0.5 Years duration and the fees will be either as Privilege, Exclusive or VIP categories | including Pre-Recorded classes | you may also join here Directly if you clear the Previous Level Exam on Admission) LEVEL Generation-A Schools for anyone around the World in English-Hindi languages to be inaugurated on 2024 February 28th, the days of our 22nd Selfless Loving Anniversary year.
>> Establish Branches of Holistic ‘Satyugi Gurukuls’ from Primary to PhD Levels Offline all over Bharat and Worldwide within 2026 and by 2032 have such Holistic Satyugi Gurukul branches in 80% of the Tyer 1-2-3 cities of Bharat.